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JANES časopisy – v tištěné nebo on-line podobě
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Defence Weekly | International Defence Review |
Intelligence Review |
Airport Review |
JANES – publikace, ročenky, databáze – tištěné nebo on-line
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Defence Equipment & Technology Solutions
- Aero Engines
- All the World’s Aircraft: Development & Production
- All the World’s Aircraft: In Service
- All the World’s Aircraft: Unmanned
- C4ISR & Mission Systems: Air
- C4ISR & Mission Systems: Joint & Common Equipment
- C4ISR & Mission Systems: Land
- C4ISR & Mission Systems: Maritime
- EOD & CBRNE Defence Equipment
- Fighting Ships
- Flight Avionics
- Land Warfare Platforms: Armoured Fighting Vehicles
- Land Warfare Platforms: Artillery & Air Defence
- Land Warfare Platforms: Logistics, Support & Unmanned
- Land Warfare Platforms: System Upgrades
- Mines & EOD Operational Guide
- Police & Homeland Security Equipment
- Simulation & Training Systems
- Space Systems & Industry
- Unmanned Maritime Vehicles
- Weapons: Air-Launched
- Weapons: Ammunition
- Weapons: Infantry
- Weapons: Naval
- Weapons: Strategic
Defence Industry Solutions
- Aircraft Component Manufacturers
- International ABC Aerospace Directory
- International Defense Directory
- World Defense Industry
Market, Programme & Budget Forecasting
- Jane’s DS Forecast
- Jane’s Defence Budgets
- Jane’s Defence Sector Budgets
- Jane’s Defence Procurement
- Jane’s PEDS Complete
Security Intelligence Solutions
- Jane’s Military & Security Assessments Intelligence Centre
- Jane’s Amphibious & Special Forces
- Jane’s World Air Forces
- Jane’s World Armies
- Jane’s World Navies
Jane’s Terrorism & Insurgency Centre
- Jane’s Terrorism Events Spatial Layer
- Jane’s World Insurgency & Terrorism
Jane’s Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear Assessments Intelligence Centre
Transport Intelligence
- Jane’s Air Traffic Control
- Jane’s Airport News and Reference
- Jane’s Urban Transport Systems
- Jane’s World Railways